Missing Link Internet is a WISP (Wireless Internet Service Provider) providing internet in the Ponoka, Lacombe,Camrose, and Wetaskawin Counties.
Missing Link Internet is a WISP (Wireless Internet Service Provider) providing internet in the Ponoka, Lacombe,Camrose, and Wetaskawin Counties. Using licensed and unlicensed frequencies to provide the speed you need. 1-855-8URLINK (1-855-887-5465) Locally owned and operated. sales@misslink.ca
Stop in at Rimbey TV for more info 403-843-2460
1.5Mbps - $44.95
4.0Mbps - $64.99
6.0Mbps - $89.99
8.0Mbps - $149.99
Package availability is dependent on signal quaility.